After many nights burning the midnight oil preparing for this project, all we have to show for it is this lousy webpage!
Ant Lib Online hasn’t been replaced as such (well not yet, anyway!) but by replacing the ALO homepage with this new ‘microsite’ we will hopefully introduce the project to regular Ant Lib visitors with maximum impact, and in turn, galvanise you the Antfan, into submitting your story/contribution.
The home of Anthropology will remain at while we do some maintenance behind the scenes.
In the meantime you can now find the main website at /index2.htm and the very old archived site (broken links a-go-go) at Geocities.
So there you have it, comments and questions welcomed at .
Now, moving on swiftly...

Last autumn I put out an appeal for helping hands to assist in the project as a whole (more about them next month!), there are still vacancies for Antpeople from all four corners of the globe to ‘round-up’ willing contributors, write and/or research themed synopsises, publicise and proof read the product later down the road. If you are interested in lending some time, effort, passion and commitment to Anthropology, please do drop me a line at the email address above. People looking for a free copy and pre-publication sneaky peeks need not apply.

’Course, some money would be nice too! Overheads for this project will be in the £2,000-£4,000 bracket, and that’s before accounting for any marketing or other post-production costs. In true Ant Lib non-profit fashion, it’s unlikely that we’ll pass the break-even point, so we are offering a range of sponsorship packages to hopefully raise the funds required to put Anthropology on the presses in October. From a mere mention within the preface pages to a full page ad for your business (or ego!), there is room for you as a project sponsor. Visit the Sponsors page for further information on sponsorship packages.

Another way of getting your name in print is, of course, by submitting your words and pictures to the project. Without contributors, Anthropology won’t exist. Which is why your contribution is so valuable – even if you don’t think you have a ‘story’ as such, your memories and opinions all count towards the ‘big picture’. This is your chance to tell the world about your love of Adam, the Ants and Antmusic.
I regularly receive correspondence from the loved one of a member that’s passed-away. Not only is this, of course, upsetting but each time I think to myself that that’s another story, another experience lost forever. Let us help you share your experiences and record them for future generations and social historians.

Thanks for reading on and scrolling down this far – hopefully that means you are slightly interested in what’s going on!
Next update is mid May when we’ll hopefully have some contributions to report back on as well as information on ‘Ant Lib X’ which will be doubling-up as the launch party for Anthropology on Saturday 25 October.

Now, don’t forget to submit your contribution!
Madam Stan xx