Introduction :: I can’t believe its been just a month since launching the Anthropology project online – a good indicator of how busy things have been these last four weeks! Contributions have began to roll in at a healthy rate, and already it looks as though I may be travelling around the UK to talk/interview fans further in person about their exploits and acquire copies of visual records during the summer months. If you would like to request a personal interview, please contact me direct at giving an outline of your story plus details of any images etc require scanning.

Project Helpers :: A big thank you to the extra helping hands who have been in touch since last month. Due to an extended time offline recently – (thanks to suddenly finding myself ‘between’ jobs for a fortnight!) I have fallen behind on correspondence, but I promise to get back to you all as soon as possible and put you to work!

Cork Ant (left) with Madam StanMay Helper Spotlight :: I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce you to Cork Ant (pictured right with yours truly) who joined the Anthropology ship last year as soon as the project was announced. He’s in charge of ‘rounding-up’ and encouraging potential contributors to join us from across cyberspace, so expect to see him popping up here and there and being generally lovely at a fan forum near you.

Get Involved! :: Again, If you are interested in lending some time, effort, passion and commitment to Anthropology, please do drop me a line at the email address above. People looking for a free copy and pre-publication sneaky peeks need not apply. But be prepared to be embarrassed here! ;o)

Fundraising :: It came as no surprise to hear Essential pulling the plug on Adam’s planned tome Ant Art (see Ant Lib Online News), as niche book publishing projects are lucky to breakeven, let alone yield profits for anyone silly enough atempt them. To realistically fund Anthropology we need to raise around £2,000-£4,000 before approaching a printer to fulfill this project.

Advance Orders :: The best way for fans to contribute to our fundraising is, of course, by buying your copy of Anthropology now. All those who pre-order will not only receive a free ticket for this year’s Annual Adam & the Ants Celebration ( ‘Ant Lib X’ – held in central London on the evening of Saturday 25 October) but will automatically have their name added to the preface of Anthropology as a special ‘thank you’ for taking that leap of faith!

Sponsorship :: I am currently preparing the document to go out to potential advertisers with a range of sponsorship packages. All those who have emailed asking for details of sponsorship opportunities will receive this within the next couple of weeks.

Merchandising :: While offline I squandered the meagre contents of my final pay packet from my previous employers on outlay for our new range of budget Adam & the Ants t-shirts: Camden’s Burning (But We Saved the Ant Shirts). On sale just in time for summer, profits from each t-shirt sold will go direct to the Ant Lib account towards the inevitable great big cheque we’ll be parting with in late September/early October. Hint: We’re broke so please go buy HERE (or click the banner below).

Like, err, now. Please! Ta! But don’t forget to come back here and read the rest of my ramblings... ;o)

Spreading the Word :: With no PR or aggressive banner waving as yet, imagine my surprise to see Channel Four picking up the story of Anthropology! Our first media coverage kicked off courtesy of their digital teletext service just a week after the new site launch, so cheers C4 – and thanx Seedy for passing on this screen grab!

Grab-a-Banner :: If you have a website, social networking page or public profile, please help spread the word by adding a banner and link:

Anthropology : Adam & the Ants Book  Project by fans for fans

Small Banner (better for social networking pages):

HTML code to copy:

Medium Banner (better for web pages, signatures etc):

HTML code to copy:

In return, send us your banner/link to and we’ll put it in a new Partners Area when we’ve got a few deals / exchanges under our belt.

Thanks again for reading on and scrolling down this far – next update is mid/late June with the venue for ‘Ant Lib X’ on Saturday 25 October offically announced (yes it is booked but after our aftershow party was hijacked last September, we’re not taking any chances before the deposit’s settled!) and celebrity contributions accidentally “leaked” ;o)

Now, don’t forget to submit your contribution!
Madam Stan xx